
Exploring the Design Space of Optical See-through AR Head-Mounted Displays to Support First Responders in the Field

May 2024

Worked with a team of 20+ people. Contributions include recruiting, interviewing, leading the study, giving user interface feedback, writing publication, creating 3D models, collecting observation, recording data, being detailed oriented. More details can be found in the Publication or Presentation Video.

The image is of different types of Augmented Reality Cues.

AR Landmark Navigation for Individuals with Low Vision


Created and launched project. Project sought to explore 2 different ideas (Rings, Signboards) in AR to see if they could benefit people with low vision. These 2 ideas are as follows: (1) 3 rings would be placed on real landmarks at different distances. Entering or leaving each ring would provide the user with the distance, the landmark object title, and whether they were leaving or entering; (2) Signboards would be placed at crucial intersections that would display important landmark information that the user could expect if they chose a specific path. Technical details included basic programming, Unity, C++, software design, and 3D modeling. A formative study was conducted on 6 people to first explore how low vision people navigate using landmarks. An ongoing summative study was in the process where 12 low vision individuals would use the created ideas on a HoloLens 2. Github Repository

The Image is of a landmark that appears in the project. It consists of 2 arrows with descriptions of nearby objects like fire exstinguisher and water fountain.


October 2022

Assisted Project lead in conducting remote studies and writing publication. Remote study included interviewing blind participants remotely and following instructions tolead them through the study. More details can be found in the Publication or Presentation Video.

Image showing the different bubbles present in the project.

Simple Discord Bot

Fall 2020

A simple work in progress Discord Bot. Created for friends to take a keyword and post memes based on them. Github Repository

The Discord Logo

Mystery Backgrounds

Spring 2019

A semester-long solo project called Mystery Backgrounds. Mystery Backgrounds are a collective group of backgrounds like screensavers that are written in Java. The project’s goal was to freshen up on Java again and learn more about graphical user interfaces. Github Repository

Image of the Main Menu from the Project.

Undergraduate Summer Research Internship MAOP

Summer 2018

Worked as a research assistant on dental caries data. Provided scripts for genome-wide data analysis in C. Independently worked with Dr. Xiaowei Wu, an Assistant Professor in the department of statistics at Virginia Tech. Due to sensitive data, repository cannot be shared for this project. However, the Poster and Presentation can be shared.

Image of the introduction section from the poster for the project.


Fall 2018

A semester-long group project of five people called TeachEasy. TeachEasy is an online gradebook for teachers. Some features present in the project were a calendar, gradebook, and attendance sheet. The program used HTML and JavaScript for the website and PHP and MySQL for the database. To find out more check out the Github Repository or the Documentation(User Manual, Requirements, Technical Manual)

Image of the TeachEasy application in the calendar view.


Spring 2018

Constructed a C program that converted assembly language instructions into machine language for the HACK instruction set. Implemented a symbol table using a linked list. Ran and tested the results on the HACK computer. Constructed a Compiler in a similar way to the assembler to work alongside assembly. Github Repository

The Logo to cygwin that is used in the project.

Phase 10 Dice: Virtual Board Game

Spring 2017

Implemented a playable text-based Phase 10 Dice game for multiple players using Java. Used object-oriented programming techniques to construct components of the game. Utilized various data structures, including dynamic arrays, queues, and hash tables. GitHub Repository

Image of the text based interface of the dice you roll in Phase 10.

Web Base Text Adventure Game

Fall 2016

The first project I ever created when learning to code. It is an old school text based adventure game. You are given 4 navigation buttons to explore the world through text collecting items and solving puzzles. Try It Out Yourself

An Image of the Text Adventure Game.